We have a logo!

We have a winning logo! Congratulations to Jordan who designed this brilliant logo!

Logo 1

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Video: How to use an Ubuntu Live CD

Woo! In this video, I show you how to use and set up your computer to be able to use an Ubuntu Live CD:

Once you've got your Live CD, boot up your computer and put it in the tray. Shut down your machine, and then boot again with it in the tray (or drive if you don't have a tray like a Mac). If it doesn't boot, you've got 2 options: Enter and configurate your BIOS to boot from CD first, then the Hard Drive (shown in the video), or press F12 (only if your BIOS supports it), and select the "boot from CD/DVD" option.

Now you've booted. Select the language that you want to use in the Live CD, this can be changed both in the Live CD and when you install the system. Unless you want to go for the straight install, you're going to want the "Try Ubuntu with no change to your computer" option. Select it with the arrow keys and press enter.

The Live CD will now load, and it'll take quite a while to boot, though it'll be way quicker if you install the system, as it's running from the CD.

Once it's finished loading, you'll be logged in as the "Live CD User" automatically, and then you can begin playing around with the system and seeing if it all works with your hardware. If you've got any problems with hardware (the most common ones are graphics, sound and wi-fi) you can either ask me in the comments, or have a look in the Ubuntu Forums for answers.

In Other news: The birthday/logo video/post will be up later today. :-)

For now,

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